Will Simpson's Notes

Following the Butterflies of Interest


Sacha has me thinking about the difference between feeding many interests and leading a focused life. Different days are flavored with different activities. The way to work with this is to plan and work intentionally. Don't let attention wander unsupervised.

Following the butterflies of your interest Something about how to follow the butterflies of your interest, because I rarely see this perspective in productivity books and because it's something other people might find helpful.

  • What is the change I want to make in myself? I want to get better at going with the grain of my energy, doing what I want to do (and doing the work that helps me want what is good to want).
  • Who would find this useful? People with many interests - scanners, multi-potentialites, Renaissance-people-to-be.
  • To do this, it would be good to read about:
    1. Career and life planning, especially unconventional paths
    2. Productivity
    3. Writing, note-taking
    4. Psychology, cognitive limits, distraction
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